BE WARNED: Psycho Juice Extreme Ghost Pepper is 600,000 Scovilles of ballistic madness.
Great Ghost Pepper flavour even with the addition of the pure oleoresin that burns long and slow before kicking your face in.
This is very much a sauce for the hardcore chillihead. Use as a cooking ingredient, not for smashing all over your pizza. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
I’m Dr. Burnorium and for me to put my name – not to mention my gorgeous fizzog – on the label, you can be sure that Psycho Juice is something special and has exceeded even my expectations.
I sincerely hope that you enjoy my Psycho Juice range as much as I’ve enjoyed creating them for serious chilliheads like you.
Burky –
These reviews have had me crying
With laughter. I got a gift set from my son (3 different bottles) he gets them on his travels for me and the previous hottest I’d had was Crazy Bastard sauce from Germany. This stuff is different level😳I obviously had to try what claimed to be the hottest first and that was my first mistake. First time I put loads into my chilli and boy did I regret it. I actually had to bin it as it defeated me. I was in severe pain😂 Now I only put a few drops in and even that can be dangerous! My advice is handle with care. *bizarrely, unlike other reviews, this sauce has never given me ring sting. God knows how long before I get to try the other 2 bottles.
Harry –
Wow what an amazing sauce this is. Gave me some serious case of the hiccups which lasted an hour, really nice flavour too. Had it in a spicy chilli con carne, will definitely have this sauce again. One of my favourite hot sauces.
Daniel –
Accidentally put a whole teaspoon of this on my tuna salad for lunch (comes out quicker than the garlic version) and it reenacted D-Day in my mouth. Rendered me speechless for a good 5 minutes. Still feel the afterglow an hour later. Wonderful experience.
Not much to say about flavour, I got a hint of bitterness but since you don’t (usually) put much on I wouldn’t say it’s a factor worth considering.
Alan Taylor –
This is the most insane hour sauce I have ever purchased. One drop and I mean one drop was sufficient in turning my meal into fire 🔥 lasted that long it went out of date before I could finish the bottle 🤣🤣🤣
Thomas Winstone –
Had the misfortune of dropping a bottle on the floor! Wow, cleared the room, I’m a fire fighter and wished I had a hazmat suit on to clean it up. Luckily I have a few more bottles but shows how deadly this stuff is. Even the SAS wouldn’t stand 30 seconds in a room with this stuff. Take their mask off and say they service number, right o 🤣
Rory –
Tastes like the devil’s armpit. In my opinion, it’s bloody awful. Honestly thought I was giving birth to an epileptic ballerina . I would never try “da bomb” because I’m all about the taste. But apparently this sauce is similar. If it’s your thing. Then good luck and enjoy. But definitely not for me. 5 star rating due to how I reacted. And after 20 mins I tried it again just to be sure. Well done on producing such an evil sauce.
Dax –
Tried this at the Boss kebab. A hot sauce that is actually hot! Bought a bottle right there and then,
Dave –
I must say this was rather pleasant.
Lynne –
What an excellent company their customer service is first class.
Amazing products too, bought for my son in law in 20+ years of buying him chilli sauces etc this time I got him and he said the juices and pickles were excellent. He even coughed and had to blow his nose! Made me so happy to see!
Casper –
Gave me insane hiccups for an hour, but toughed it out. Ring sting in the morning, and still on the loo. Send help!
Darren willis –
Fantastic source I’ve gotten used to it now is there anything any hotter whole bottle only last three weeks
Joe M –
This is so tasty, it will bring your food to life …. Great for the BBQ season
There more fire in the juice than in your bbq fire
Joe –
This is so tasty, it will bring your food to life …. Great for the BBQ season
There more fire in the juice than in your bbq fire
Scott price –
Watched my nephew roll around on the floor for twenty min
Next day his ass felt like he had gone ten rounds with Jimmy saville
Kev Radge –
Sacrifices some flavour in favour of pure heat IMHO. Heat in spades.
4 cm on a chopstick, stirred in a beer, makes for a great drink.
EW –
It’s very very hot indeed, but I don’t particularly like the taste, and it smells burned and not like a product made from natural ingredients. There are much better sauces out there, including other Psycho Juice hot sauces.
Mel J –
When someone recommended this to me it came with the warning: “This is not a sauce, it’s a weapon.” Years later and I am happily weaponising most of my food including (don’t all laugh at once) ice cream! I freely admit I am addicted to the stuff. Very slight downside: a gf (not wearing her glasses) splashed it all over some scrambled egg one morning thinking it was some sort of ketchup. Neighbours heard her screams halfway down the street and called the police. She missed an important job interview as a result and then was foolish enough to give me an ultimatum: “Either the sauce goes or I go.” No contest as witnessed by the fact I promptly ordered another bottle to replace the one she had so criminally wasted.
Alan Graham –
have been a fan of hot sauces for a number of years now, And find it hard to get a hot sauce that gives me heat and flavour at the same time .And was told to give this ago and boy it did not disappoint on any of these 2 points loved it the heat alone was fantastic you get that burn right off the very first moment it hits your mouth.And will definitely be getting loads more
Johnny Dash –
Well, what can I say about this after it kicked my face in. I have tried various hot sauces, and usually manage fairly well however I made the fatal error of smashing it onto a burrito. It was quite thick in the bottle, so was slow to come out then big dollops came out. Not one to turn down a meal, I folded up the burrito and took a big bite. Instant heat. Carried on eating. By halfway through I was in serious trouble…pupils dilated, nose streaming, and MY EARS WERE HURTING. I then spent the next hour questioning my life choices, waiting for the heat to die down after eating a burrito that was literally on fire.
The pain subsided eventually, and I learnt a valuable lesson in moderation. Today, the ring is stinging, and I thoroughly recommend this to anyone. Just be careful.
Mivi –
Had two drops of this in a meal and it was delicious af and a bit spicy, but still manageable. Had a drop on its own and it feels like I’m on my death bed, but I can’t get enough of the taste. Love it.
DaddyBear –
The pain receptors in your mouth go into overdrive. Feels like I gave Satan a rimmy. Highly recommend.
Mr. Wildthing –
A great tasty sauce, to be respected though. Start with a small amount then upscale as you go, if its any consolation the pain wears off after 20 mins. Meal ruining potential is high with this one.. Enjoy!
Louis –
My stepbrother has this sauce and ended up having a period
Beaupepys –
Dangerous, delicious heaven. Add as much as you feel is safe, then a splash more for luck. I use this for lots of things, but my absolute favourite is making Psycho Guacamole
Dr M. Tibble –
Absolute fiend of a hot sauce. Sent me streaking through the house screaming and in tears. Couldn’t taste food for a week afterwards. Top job: 100% will purchase again in three year once I finish the bottle. Honestly, this one could fell an elephant.
Rik –
It’s a beautiful sauce, made with a 70% pepper base. Not vinegar or fruit juice like so many others. It gives me a pleasing burn when used as a table sauce that doesn’t outstay it’s welcome. I splash it on pizza, spread it on a sandwich, or pour it over anything Mexican (not actual Mexicans, they don’t like that).
A personal favourite is to open a Bombay Bad Boy, remove the red sachet and throw it at a Unilever representative (i also remove those little green round things, I’m not a total masochist), and splash on Psycho Extreme once cooked. Heaven.
If I’ve been naughty and need to be punished I have Da’Bomb sauces, which mess me up. For a twice daily chilli dose Psycho Extreme is great.
Bibi Lal Mahomed –
I like it.Its perfect
chris s –
This sauce is so intimidating that I try not to make eye contact with it, and I also check to make sure it’s not hiding under the bed before I go to sleep every night.
I measure this stuff out in *drops*…a few too many and it could be game over.
Caution advised, but everyone should try it!
Mike –
This is HOT!!! And I love it, I use it in so many dishes now. Love it in a prawn cocktail…Make a lot of curries, can’t remember the last time I had an Indian takeaway.
Andrew Foster –
Absolutely delicious sauce. Really does have a lovely taste. But please be warned *** this sauce is DANGEROUSLY HOT!! *** I seriously would not recommend using it for a ‘dip’! Unless you mix (just a few drops) it with something. Makes a jar of mayo something special, a few drops to spice up a mild curry, that kind of thing. It’s not for smacking all over a pizza! You have been warned!!
Sam –
At 600,000 scoville units this has a serious burn to it. From what I have read I don’t think this uses chilli extract, so it has a much better flavour most of which comes naturally from the large amount of ghost pepper in the ingredients.
I had chicken wings with a dab of this sauce and needed milk on standby for the after burn. It doesn’t have the kind of burn that stays forever, you can enjoy the extreme heat and then wash it away quite fast so it’s extremely enjoyable.
This is also really useful for supercharging a curry, if you order a takeaway curry and it doesn’t quite have the kick you’re after you can add just a few drops of this hot sauce and dial it up to 11.
Schuyler –
This is seriously hott! but seriously tasty. perfect, in very small doses, in chilli, mexican, eggs. As the other reviews say, the heat does linger so be careful! But I am very happy with this purchase!
Dave –
I love the psyco juice chilli sauces. Really tasty and also very very spicy. Perfect for any meal. Great with eggs in the morning. Fish at lunch and on the side of a curry for dinner (because no one else wants the spice in the food.) An absolute delight and something to keep a good stock of.
Abby –
This is not hot sauce, it is lethal, I had a big spoonful to “test” it, the burn in the mouth and throat is bad but only lasts 10 mins then you start to feel normal, give it 30 mins and it will make it’s way down to your stomach ( I had an empty stomach ) that is pain like no other, I am talking extreme pain that made my arms and fingers go numb, i felt like passing out, sweating buckets, and eventually brought it back up then it burned my mouth again so i had the full experience of burning stomach/throat/tounge/lips all combined, was horrendous this lasted 3 hours. Now i give this a 5 star review because its exactly what it says, psycho juice. You need to be mad to try this, please dont try it on an empty stomach… although i had a bad experience i cant wait to have more.
Rosemary –
Having bought this and soooo many other hot sauces on my quest to find the hottest tastiest hot sauce i can pour on everything, this by far stands out from all of them and i keep returning to it. Its not vinegary at all (i hate vinegar), its got a lovely flavour and surprisingly for me its still got a punch. i have consumed copious amounts of the stuff, pouring it on everything and ive built up my usual tolerance to it but its still bites. Love it, cant say enough good things about it. Friends are always giving me other sauces saying they are the hottest sauce but they invariably fail on the heat scale. Only one has matched it so far which has a fruitier flavour and doesnt go with everything. This is well rounded. No one i know has managed to handle the heat of even a tiny speck of this stuff, so for the regular joe i would say this is rather used as an ingredient (although you lose the flavour if you do so and just get heat) but for the true chilli head, smash this all over your pizza with gusto… mmmm so yummy.
Coran “Spicefreak” Sloss –
Not the hottest extract sauce, though it sure does burn, but the taste of cooked down chemicals is too strong for me. Would recommend the Scorpion version instead as it tastes great.